BCM Office of Continuing Medical Education: Coronavirus Update

BCM COVID-19 Surge Training Resources

For individuals who may be reassigned in ICUs, Emergency Departments, or hospital settings during the surge in COVID-19 cases, we have developed the Baylor College of Medicine COVID-19 Surge Training Resources Site.

This website contains selected resources for physicians being redeployed into the ICU, ED, or hospital settings and delivers resources from professional societies, organizations, and academic medical centers including valuable contributions from Baylor College of Medicine faculty at our affiliates. In opening the website on your phone, instructions appear for adding the link to one’s home screen so that it is easily accessible.

The library contains COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 materials divided into areas as relevant to each clinical site. This is a work in progress, and we are continuing to add/update materials. The resources delivered to each learner are personalized per clinical site under “Your Topics” based on the learner’s responses to training needs per the faculty survey taken during the Spring (although all resources are available) or during the registration process. Learners can update their clinical site and learning preferences by using the green “Update Your Preferences” button. Point-of-care CME credit is also available for each resource if desired.

National & International Resources

State & Local Directories

Journals & Societies